Photo on 2020-04-07 at 8.46 AM.jpeg


I grew up in Western United States and was primarily raised by my siblings. Mum worked endlessly for the well-being of our family. Consequently, I spent much of my time alone either drawing or venturing out in nature. Early on I attended very little school. My early aspirations were to travel and move away from the environment in which I felt so estranged. In high school I found great enthusiasm for skiing and mountaineering. This brought me to a new caliber of friendships and also became a vehicle for more travel, centered around mountaineering and wilderness exploration. In a pursuit to achieve a higher level of climbing skills I started to meditate and found a new world.

I soon became interested in traditional native American skills and devoted myself to developing these skills. This evolved into learning more about self-sufficiency and homesteading skills. I began to earn an income through botanical illustrations, market gardening and teaching sustainability skills. I traveled this beautiful planet for the next 18 years and through these meanderings art was always with me, and I knew once settled, this passion would take on a more serious focus. That time came when at 37 years old, married, and after returning to university, my reawakening for art blossomed. In art school I became a member in local Portland, Oregon cooperative art gallery launching my career as an artist. We moved to British Columbia, Canada in 2010 and here we reside.